Congresso Congiunto SIMP-SGI-SoGeI-AIV – Sessioni proposte dai Soci SoGeI

Le sottomissioni degli abstract al Congresso Congiunto SIMP-SGI-SoGeI-AIV (Potenza, 19-21 settembre 2023) sono possibili entro il 6 Maggio 2023 ore 19.00.
Molte le sessioni proposte dai Soci So.Ge.I.!!!
Le riportiamo di seguito, raggruppate per topic:

P2. Biogeochemical processes in the Anthropocene: nutrients and pollutants cycling across the environmental matrices(Stefania Venturi, Nicolas Greggio, Marco Taussi)
Earth observation and modelling
P13. Modelling complex geochemical systems in the Earth’s Critical Zone: mathematical, statistical and thermodynamical approaches(Caterina Gozzi, Antonella Buccianti, Brunella Raco, Alex Kleidon)
P17. A multidisciplinary approach for studying the water-rock interaction processes: hydrogeochemical modeling, isotopes and statistical analyses(Michele Paternoster, Carmine Apollaro, Giovanni Vespasiano, Rosa Sinisi, Ilaria Fuoco)
P19. Advances in geochemical tools for tracing fluid sources and timescales of fluid production and transport in the Earth’s crust(Andrea Ricci, Antonio Caracausi)
P20. Characterisation, monitoring and modelling of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interaction processes within the crust using multidisciplinary approaches(Serena Panebianco, Tony Alfredo Stabile, Michele Paternoster, Guido Maria Adinolfi, Dario Buttitta)
P21. Geochemistry of fluids from hydrothermal and volcanic environments: classical, innovative, and prospective approaches to investigate the behavior of natural systems(Franco Tassi, Sergio Calabrese)
P22. Fluid emission in active tectonic and volcanic settings: The interplay among tectonic structures, geochemistry and triggering mechanisms(Daniele Maestrelli, Andrea Ricci, Domenico Montanari, Marco Bonini)
P23. Geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary ores: addressing paleogeographic restoration and georesources exploration(Roberto Buccione, Rabah Kechiched, Giovanni Mongelli, Francesco Perri)
P24. Mercury as a global contaminant: from geogenic and anthropogenic sources to environmental impact and potential remediation strategies(Barbara Nisi, Elena Pavoni, Jacopo Cabassi)
P25. New approaches in geochemical data analysis and mapping: from the urban scale to continental wide experiences(Stefano Albanese, Domenico Cicchella, Annalise Guarino, Pooria Ebrahimi)
P26. Petrological and geochemical tools to investigate recycling processes in the Earth’s system(Martina Casalini, Enrico Cannaò)
P27. The continental crust through space and time: unraveling igneous, metamorphic and mineralization processes(Alessia Borghini, Roberto Braga, Giulia Consuma, Antonio Langone)
Industrial application in mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry
P36. Industrial and Environmental Geochemistry for a Sustainable Future(Valentina Brombin, Salvatore Dominech, Nicolas Greggio, Federica Meloni, Simone Toller)
P41. Mineral science for waste recycle and circular economy(Paola Stabile, Eleonora Paris, Luciana Mantovani, Azzurra Zucchini, Paola Comodi)
P57. A journey into the alkaline and calc-alkaline magmatism of the Mediterranean area: new insights and future perspectives(Francesco Narduzzi, Mattia Bonazzi, Vincenza Guarino, Davide Berno)
P58. Unveiling the evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere through the study of mantle rocks, primary melts and crustal sections(Federico Casetta, Carlotta Ferrando, Ariana Secchiari)
Sustainability for energy and resources, agriculture, water management and food traceability
P69. Elemental and isotope geochemistry as a tool for provenance analysis and traceability(Claudio Natali, Gianluca Bianchini)
Tectonics and Structural Geology
P76. Crystalline basements: from field mapping to micro-scale analysis(Matteo Simonetti, Martina Zucchi, Diego Pieruccioni)
P80. From continental rifting to break-up: tectonics, magmatism and their variations in space and time(Eleonora Braschi, Giacomo Corti, Anna Gioncada, Derek Keir, Carolina Pagli)
P82. How tectonics and fluid-rock interaction shape Earth’s resources?(Barbara Marchesini, Antonio Caracausi, Chiara Boschi, Andrea Billi, Eugenio Carminati)
P83. Multidisciplinary investigations of volcano-tectonic processes(Jacopo Natale, Stefano Caliro, Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe, Roberto Isaia, Stefano Vitale)