2nd So.Ge.I. Congress

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è 2024_WEB_BANNER_PERUGIA_A-1024x450.jpg

The 2nd Italian Geochemical Society CongressFrom theoretical to applied geochemistrywill be held in Perugia from 1 to 4 July 2024. The event will be hosted in the Monumental Complex of San Pietro, Benedictine Abbey, inside the Main Hall and the cloisters.

The Congress will be divided into four thematic sessions:

Four plenary lectures will be held by eminent figures on the national and international scientific scene: Tobias Fischer (University of New Mexico, USA), Donato Giovannelli (University of Naples, Italy), Andrea Bravo (Institute of Marine Sciences, Spain), Maria Cristina De Sanctis (Italian National Institute for Astrophyisics, Italy).

During the Congress, the SoGeI Awards for the best 2024 Doctoral Theses (discussed in A.A. 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and/or by 31 May 2024) in Applied Geochemistry, Isotopic Geochemistry, Geochemistry of Magmatic Processes and Hydrogeochemistry will be presented. All information is available at the following link: www.societageochimica.it/bandi

Scientific Committee:
Carlo Cardellini
  (UNIPG); Enrico Dinelli (UNIBO); Cinzia Federico  (INGV); Francesco Frondini (UNIPG); Luigi Marini (STEAM srl); Barbara Nisi  (CNR-IGG); Elena Pavoni (UNITS); Giuseppe Saldi  (UNIPG); Daniela Varrica (UNIPA); Orlando Vaselli (UNIFI); Martina Zucchi (UNIBA)

Organizing Committee:
Alessandra Ariano
 (UNIPG); Carlo Cardellini (UNIPG); Francesco Frondini (UNIPG); Monia Procesi (INGV); Lisa Ricci (UNIPG); Giuseppe Saldi (UNIPG); Mauro Tieri (UNIPG); Stefania Venturi (UNIFI); Azzurra Zucchini (UNIPG); Marino Vetuschi Zuccolini (UNIGE)


SECRETARY segreteria@societageochimica.it
PRESIDENT presidenza@societageochimica.it
CONGRESS perugia2024@societageochimica.it