PhD Awards

The Italian Geochemical Society sponsors awards for the best PhD theses in the Geochemical field to young researchers who have developed interesting topics in the field of Applied Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry and Geochemistry of Magmatic Processes. The Awards are announced every 2 years.

Galli Award
(Best PhD Thesis in Geochemistry of Magmatic Processes)

Dr.ssa Maria Pedone
Real-time Measurement of Volcanic Gases based on Infrared Spectroscopy (Università degli Studi di Palermo)

Panichi Award
(Best PhD Thesis in Hydrogeochemistry)

Dr. Francesco Magi
Isotope geochemistry of rainfall, thermal and non-thermal waters from the Mt. Amiata area (northern-central Italy) (Università di Pisa)

Dr.ssa Claudia Pusceddu
Studi su interazione tra minerali e biosfera in sistemi fluviali interessati da attività mineraria (Università di Cagliari)

Tonani Award
(Best PhD Thesis in Applied Geochemistry)

Dr.ssa Ilaria Fuoco
Geochemical modelling of natural contaminants in groundwaters and their removal by membrane processes (Università della Calabria)

Dr.ssa Elisa Petranich
Ciclo biogeochimico del mercurio in un ambiente lagunare modificato dall’attività di vallicoltura (Laguna di Grado) (Università degli Studi di Trieste-Università degli Studi di Udine)

Dr. Marco Taussi
Surface exploration and petrological applications in high enthalpy geothermal areas: a multidisciplinary approach for the Cerro Pabellon project (Northern Chile) (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Dr.ssa Stefania Venturi
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Volcanic and Hydrothermal Systems: Evidences from Field and Experimental Data (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Dr. Jacopo Cabassi
Gaseous mercury (Hg0) in the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, Siena) and in quiescent and active volcanic areas: distribution and comparison with other atmospheric pollutants (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Tongiorgi Award
(Best PhD Thesis in Isotope Geochemistry)

Dr.ssa Caterina Gozzi

Weathering and transport processes investigated through the statistical properties of the geochemical landscapes: the case study of the Tiber river basin (Central Italy) (Università di Pisa)

Dr. Andrea Ricci

Geochemistry of C-bearing gas compounds in natural fluids under crustal conditions: insights into deep and shallow processes (Università di Bologna)

Dr. Giulio Beddini

Assesment of geothermal energy released from Umbria region (Università degli Studi di Perugia)

Dr. Enrico Cannaò

Light elements, stable and radiogenic isotopes (B,O,Sr,Pb) in ultramafic/mafic rocks as tracers of mass transfer along the slabmantle interface in subduction zones (Università degli Studi di Genova)

Dr.ssa Marina Accornero

(Università degli Studi di Genova)

Dr.ssa Marina Alletti

Experimental investigation of halogen diffusivity and fluid/melt partitioning in Etnean basaltic melts (Università degli Studi di Palermo)

Antonio Paonita

(Università degli Studi di Palermo)